Introduction to Australia Australian welfare Education in Australia Immigrate to Australia Success stories common problem Aoye settled down

Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, covering an area of 7.69 million square kilometers (equivalent to 80% of China's territory), and has a population of 23.27 million (equivalent to the population of a city in Shanghai), and its climate is just opposite to that of China. Australia is divided into six states (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania) and two regions (Northern Territory and capital region). Sydney is the largest city in the country, and Canberra is the capital.

  • Hold an Australian green card

    Enjoy medical benefits in 11 countries around the world (including developed countries such as the United States and Switzerland)

  • Hold an Australian green card

    Can enjoy permanent residence in New Zealand

  • Hold an Australian green card

    Enjoy retirement benefits in 30 countries around the world (including the United States, Switzerland and other developed countries)


It is one of the earliest countries to implement social welfare system in the world. It has a fairly perfect social welfare network, which has covered the whole country and has a variety of welfare types.

  • Childcare allowance

    1 There is no waiting period for childcare subsidies, that is, you can apply for PR when you get PR.

    2 For families with children, they can start to apply from the day they land in Australia as a PR.

  • Childcare grant

    1 Childcare benefits: This subsidy is only given to children when they go to kindergarten. The grant amount of this item is related to the total income of the family.

    2 Childcare benefits: This subsidy is only given when the child goes to kindergarten and the parents work/attend for at least 15 hours a week.

  • Government housing

    1 In order to ensure that everyone owns a house, to ensure that low-income people can also live

    2 The Australian government allocates funds to build a large number of government houses each year, which are managed by specialized companies commissioned by the government and rented out at very low prices.

  • House purchase subsidy

    1 In order to promote Australians to buy houses, various state governments have introduced first-time home purchase subsidies.

    2 Most of the practice is to provide subsidies of 12,000 to 25,000 Australian dollars, or reductions and exemptions and preferential house purchase stamp duties.

  • Government unemployment benefits

    1 New immigrants need to be approved by the government to be eligible to apply. Receive 15,000 Australian dollars every year.

    2 Unemployment benefits are available to all people within working age who are able to work and are willing to work but cannot find a job.

  • Health care benefits

    1 1Patients with national health care diseases can also enjoy free public hospital treatment.

    2 The cost of seeing a doctor, surgery in a public hospital, and hospitalization (including medicines and food), only need to swipe the card without paying.

  • Statutory holidays

    1 Apart from public holidays, Australians also enjoy more holidays.

    2 4 weeks of paid annual leave: In addition to public holidays, according to Australian labor law, Australian citizens have at least four weeks of paid leave each year.

  • old-age pension

    1 Pension policy All 60-year-old ladies and 65-year-old men can enjoy pensions.

    2 All pensioners can get preferential medical drugs and other health care treatment.

  • Other types of allowances

    1 Widowhood allowance: There is a 104-week waiting period, that is, you can receive a PR and live for 104 weeks

    2 Allowance for caregivers who take care of the disabled every day: There is no waiting period, that is, you can apply for a PR if you get a PR.

  • More benefits to be continued

    1 More benefits to be continued

    2 More benefits to be updated

British education: inherits the British education system, 6 years in primary school, 6 years in middle school, 2-3 years in junior college, 3 years in university

British education: inherits the British education system, 6 years in primary school, 6 years in middle school, 2-3 years in junior college, 3 years in university

Education quality: The quality of primary and secondary education ranks among the top in the world, the higher education has a first-class level, and the academic qualifications are widely recognized by various countries

Eight prestigious schools: ranked in the top 100 QS world rankings

Eight prestigious schools

Australian National University

Australian National University

University of Melbourne

University of Melbourne

University of New South Wales

University of New South Wales

Queensland university

Queensland university

University of Sydney

University of Sydney

Monash University

Monash University

University of Western Australia

University of Western Australia

University of Adelaide

University of Adelaide

Common problem


  • How much investment money is required to apply for the 132 visa for business genius immigrants?

    Investment requirement: 1.5 million Australian dollars


  • Free airport pick-up service

  • Book a hotel

  • Recommended moving company

  • Assist in bank account opening

  • Recommend local lawyers and accountants

  • Recommend a business agent

  • Assist in renting and buying houses

  • Assist in applying for admission to children

  • Assist in booking language school

  • Assist in opening water, electricity, gas, TV, telephone, internet, etc.

  • Assist in applying for replacement driver's license

  • Assist in issuing national medical card

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