10 Frequently Asked Questions about Australia's 188A Visa
1. Whatistheagerequirementforthemainapplicant?
Generally,themainapplicantisrequiredtobeunder55yearsold andsomestates may waive the requirement iftheapplicantmakessignificantcontributionsto thestate.
2. Isthereanyagelimitforchildren?
Generally,theDepartment of Home Affairs stipulates that childrencan be included if they are at school and under23yearsold. The processing time is 1to1.5years,soitisrecommendedthatthe application should be loged when your children are 21 years old.
3. Whatistheminimumshareholding requirement?Cantheshareholdingofthemainapplicantandhis/her spousebeaddeduptomeettherequirements?
For two of the past four fiscal years, your shareholding should be30%ormore andtheturnovershould be at least A$ 500,000. If the business was a publicly listed company , you should hold a 10% or more shareholding. Theshareholding owned by your spouse and you canbeaddedup tomeettherequirements.
4.Doestheapplicant'snetassetsincludecompanyassets?Canitbeowned byachildorspouse?
Netassetscanincludecompanyassetsandpersonalassets owned by your spouse.Ifthechildisnotfinanciallyindependent,theproperty owned bythechildcanalsobecounted.
5. Cantheturnoverofdifferentcompaniesbeaddedup tomeettherequirements?
Theturnoverofdifferentcompaniescanbeaddeduptomeetthetotalturnoverrequirements.Theshareholding owned in two companies can be added up and the total amount should also meet the requirement.
6. Canindividual business owners inChinaapplyforthe188Avisa?
There are somerestrictionsbut it is not explicitly stipulated that individual business owners are not allowed to apply for it.Itdependsonwhether the individual business owners can provetheirbusinessturnover andthetaxreturnisthemostpowerfulsupportingdocument
7. Canbusiness executivesapplyforAustralianthe 188Avisa?
Only shareholdersofacompany can apply for the visa.Ifthebusiness executivesdonothavetherequiredshareholding,theyarenot eligibletoapply.
8. Howtodefinegazelle businessesinthe188Apoints test?
Gazelle businesses refer to newly established businesses experiencing rapid growth during a short period. The business must have been registered for no more than five years. The average annualised growth in turnover of the business must have been greater than 20% each year for a continuous period of three fiscal years. The business must have had 10 or more full-time employees for at least one fiscal year in the three-year period.
9. I get 0points for some items in the points test.Willitaffectmyvisaapplication?
AturnoverofatleastA$500,000andafamilynetworthofatleast A$800,000aretheminimumrequirements that mustbemet.IELTS, managementexperience,innovativetechnologyandotheraspectsarepluses.Ifyoudonotmeet those requirements butyoureach65points,youcanstillapply for the visa.Higher points will facilitate the selection.Generally, it's important to get points for personalassetsandbusinessturnover
10. How to define experience in business mentioned in the points test?Doesitmeanthattheclientmusthaveacompany? Ifthe companyhasbeenestablishedfornomorethan4years,will the client get 0points?
Generally,ifaclientrequestsadditionalpointsforbusinessexperienceintheirowncompany,itisrequiredthattheapplicanthave some shareholding inthecompany andthereisnoturnoverrequirement.Ifthecompanyhasbeenestablishedfor4years,additionalpointscanbeadded.